Monday, June 7, 2010


The staff party was a huge success, and I didn't take any pictures! It's a hectic time but I love giving this party so the work is worth it. Have you ever done something for the simple joy of seeing other people having a wonderful time? I mean we all cook the feast now and then, and I do love cooking the feast, but this group is so full of laughter and gratitude and joy it's a pleasure on my part to just sit back and watch it happen once they arrive. So what does that mean, I do this party so I'LL feel good? Is there something Freudian there? I don't care.
Friday morning I went to the strawberry patch and picked 28 pounds of berries. You should have heard the roar as Patient Husband, friend helper, myself and another helper walked into the house carrying those seven strawberry pies! Held high in the air, balanced on our palms over our heads we carried those luscious, highly stacked, highly glazed pies.

We made paella for an appetizer, dishing a scoop into cups and handing them out as they arrived ravenous. We had chicken and sausage, zucchini, onions, yellow, red and orange peppers, and tomatoes in this one. A good, mild intro to paella.

Saturday I picked up a needle and started stitching again - for the first time in weeks. I made a sleeve for the floor frame for quilt Christine, started working again on the baby quilt I'm making for the baby due in August and OHHH it felt SO good.

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