Wednesday, May 4, 2011


While I wait for Patient Husband to come pick me up to go home, I'll post my Snappyfriends paper assignment. I thought paper would be easy. And it is...but not so interesting. Books? Too obvious coming from me. Wrapping paper? I use bags. Paper...paper....hmmmm...hmmm....
Then one day I walked past the art room at school and there was this big box, no two boxes of scraps in every color. Leave it to the art room to come to the rescue! Our art teacher is very resourceful and I'm sure these will be transformed someday.
Instead of sitting in here, I should be outside on a bench reading. We finally have a nice warmish day, sun is shining, cotton balls floating by in the sky. So, off I go....

1 comment:

  1. good paper snap Denise...........I have been thinking about it.......
