Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer fun

The girls have been here most of this week and because Grandpa still had to go to work each day he decided to meet us during one of his out of town calls and treat us to FIVE carousel rides in a nearby town. We had enough rides to satisfy every whim. We rode on horses, otters, fish, dinosaurs, peacocks, elephants, dolphins...and I don't remember what else.

Then he took us to lunch at an outdoor restaurant where we could enjoy the warm day and watch the world go by.

THEN we walked a few blocks of the city to see the farm animals on each corner and some in the middle of the blocks. Each year this city gathers forces and they choose an animal to display in whatever artistic manner the business chooses. One year, the year they were raising funds for the carousel, they chose carousel horses. Another year pigs, another, fish. This year the theme is farm animals. We saw cows....

and chickens and ducks, and steer and donkeys and Elizabeth's favorite.......

a very large turkey!

Another day we tie dyed t-shirts with Kool-aid. Take the advice of experience. Don't do it. Not with Kool-aid, anyway. Apparently, cotton is not the fabric that Kool-aid will "stick" to so we spent over an hour being artsy, dried them, heat set them, washed them and it all washed out! Back to stage one with fabric dye in squirt bottles. But they sure loved the process.

I even stole a few moments here and there to work on the quilt I'd like to piece. The procedure this author suggests for flying geese was new to me so I did it her way even though it meant getting the sewing machine involved. But it worked beautifully and the pile of geese, part of the star, is finished.

Busy weekend coming up.

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