Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Signs are Pointing

Yes, indeed, the signs of spring are all around us.  The temperatures are so mellow I sat out on the porch yesterday in the afternoon sun and read my book for awhile.  I could hear somewhere in the distance a robin, the true sign of spring here in the north. I couldn't see it but I could hear it.
 But there are other signs, too.  The gold finches are turning back to yellow.
 The sap is running and this little squirrel was licking the sap from this branch like you'd handed him an ice cream cone.
 And this morning PH hung our first batch on the clothesline.  When you live at the top of a hill in the woods you can go out in your jammies and no one notices, unless your wife has a camera.
Just look at that sunshine!


  1. Oh you are so my kind of folks! It's a bit funny but just as you yearn for spring, I yearn for a cooler, less humid clime. And yes I too am seeing the seasons turn, the sun is lower in the sky, the shadows are longer and the days ever so slightly shorter. Seasons are just wonderful in all their guises, just as we get heartedly sick of one along comes a new one!
    Pajamas are certified ok for hanging out laundry, in fact I do all my chores in my pj's.....otherwise termed "leisure wear" fact have been known to still be wearing them when dropping the kids off to school.....praying the car doesn't break down at any stage! Roll on the new season!

  2. loves the signs of the changes in season....finally we have had a change here......still warm but not stinking hot........
